Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Drawing the White

Tuesdays are my favorite days.  The philosophy behind 'why?' is not sound, what's important is that today is no exception.

What I done so far:
Wrote 2000 words (of which at least fifty weren't awful), hugged gentle-clever-paws Botkins, read a post on Gabriel Robinson's blog GemForest (a connection which those in the 'Rudras-know' ought to dig), and then I got to watch this:


This is a year and a half in the making.  The artfulness, the delicacy, the beauty that Jenna expressed with this video was enough to make tear up in FairGrounds.  Last winter, I sent out an e-mail to as many film schools as I could find, essentially volunteering the services of Momentary Prophets for any student who wished to have original and/or newly composed music for any projects they may do.  I heard back from one student; Jenna Harcher.

She lives in Savannah (soon New York) and studied at SCAD.  She is sunshine in the shape of a cat, and then wrapped in human.  She directed this video.

Co-inspiration, distance collaboration, blessed blessed emotion, thrills me today.  Anyone want to collaborate on any kind of project?  Stories?  Musics?  Food?  Interpretive Dance?  Let me know.  I need to be better at sharing.

Happy Tuesday.   

1 comment:

Skye Zentz said...

I raise a timid and at the same time enthusiastic and grinning hand!
